Trade Ratings

The XO Software has a trade rating system where members can rate sellers / buyers / traders according to their dealings with them. Exchange members can view other member’s trade ratings online when viewing their public profile or listing details.

We also have a Trade Status system where members who are in debt can automatically be listed first in searches conducted by your customers online. This promotes members who need trade and reduces the impacts of “too many trade dollars” on those members who have not spent as fast as they earn.

For the Member For the Exchange
  1. Search results are displayed by members who need trade first – so you know when you search that those members are more likely to sell to you
  2. Good traders are easy to spot
  3. Poor traders are provided with feedback which will help them improve
  1. Increases “the ease of spend” of the trade dollar (enhanced liquidity)
  2. Promotes members who are in debt
  3. Allows the exchange to view and alter feedback and ratings
  4. Exchange owners receive instant feedback on good or bad traders
  5. Exchange owners can focus on bad traders and resolve issues which they might not have otherwise known about

Each member can view their own rating and trade status when logged in.

Barter Software - View your own rating

When browsing products / services, online results are sorted by the members with the highest need for barter dollars. Ratings are also displayed next to each member.

Trade Status and Ratings of selling member are viewable when browsing products.

Barter Software - View rating on offer detail page.

Members can view details of other members accounts including their Trade Status and Trade Rating.

Barter Software - View rating on member detail page.

The exchange owner is required to set up the Trade Status boundaries before this feature will work correctly.
If you set -1000 for TRADE NEEDED then every account with -1000 barter dollars in it or greater will show up as TRADE NEEDED and be highest on the search results. If you set it as -50000 then only those with -50000 barter dollars or more in their account will show as TRADE NEEDED.

Exchange administrators can edit the individual trade status and ratings of members at any time.

Managing Trade Ratings

Exchange owners can delete ratings and comments left by other members.

Deleting Ratings